Category Archives: Arborist, forester

Wildland Firefighters (WFFs): Pros & Cons

The majority of the duties performed by a wildland firefighter are outdoors. That is a pleasant benefit but don't forget it means you'll experience all weather conditions. Wildland firefighters can prevent, fight, provide thorough mitigation, plan, and support on the ground before, during, and after a forest fire. Except for wildfire suppression activities, they take care of and maintain equipment.
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What to do with forester’s diploma

There are so many versatile opportunities for people studying for a forestry degree. This field is connected with diverse aspects of other directions – wildland firefighting, computing (e.g., mapping forests), engineering, design, environment, management, law, volunteer activity, etc. No matter what you choose, it's always about rewarding challenges and making a difference.
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  • hand holding stopwatch
  • 5312533
  • In to the fire
  • fire hoses
  • 9416102
  • Installation of a fire sprinkler

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